Trips Close to Home | Advenure Update May 30, 2020
Bug Catcher Avery
<a href="/tags/adventure">Adventure</a> • <a href="/tags/pok%C3%A9mon-go">Pokémon Go</a>Pokémon Go Adventures Close to Home
There has been no shortage of events these past few weeks, I wanted to take some time to recap a few of the things that I’ve been up to in Pokémon Go. Hopefully, my next adventure update is sooner and more detailed. I didn’t manage to participate in each event in the past few weeks, so I will describe a few of my successes and faults here.
May 1st | Missing the Kanto throwback week
Honestly, what can I say, a week seems a lot longer on paper than it is in real life. I hadn’t started working yet, so I’m honestly not too sure why I missed out on this weeklong event. Either way, that’s another missed chance for me to get Mewtwo. I’m sure there will be another future appearance for me to test my luck with this legendary pokémon!
May 19th | Pokémon Spotlight Hour: Poochyena
Still, being back at home and away from the plethora of Poké-stops on my college campus, I missed a majority of this event. For Jogger Katie and me, it became the Spotlight Half-hour. As that suggests, it was hectic. Boosted incense simply wasn’t enough for us to find a shiny or any high tier Poochyena. Although we didn’t catch anything particularly rare, I was able to boost my Poochyena candy by an incredible amount! It just goes to show you should use any time you are given to your advantage. After this missed opportunity, I was ready to jump on the next event as soon as possible.
May 8th | Jhoto region throwback week
This was my first successful event since I returned home from campus, I managed to complete all the research just a day before the week ended on May 16th. If you follow our Instagram page, you would have seen an AR shot of the Ho-oh I caught a few days after the event ended. This reward was earned with help from friends (as always) the second to the final night of the event, Poké-fan Lilah and Jogger Katie told me that I could use incense, and I would likely spot many of the pokémon I needed even if I wasn’t walking. Who would have thought that staring at my bright phone screen until 12:30 AM with incense activated could have helped? I managed to get over half of the research items completed and finished the remaining 4 the next evening at the park. It sure felt rushed, but I was so happy to have completed it!
May 15th | Hoenn region throwback week
In this event, I made sure to get a head start, but I soon learned that it’s just as important to keep motivated. I completed 4 of the 9 research tasks on the first day and felt comfortable with the amount of time left. But apparently, Groudon wasn’t pleased with the amount of time left, and it was gone before I knew it. I’m sure someone has made a book about this exact concept to show that continuing to progress over time will win you the race.
May 22nd | Sinnoh region throwback week
As I’m writing this, we are about 1 day out from the end of this challenge, and I am determined to complete it! As soon as this rainstorm in my neighborhood ends, I’ll be outside looking to complete all these tasks. Poké-fan Lilah has already caught the Crisselia from this event, so I’m sure you can read about it in her account of the past few weeks.
May 24th | Seedot community day
The extended time for this event was a massive help for me. I spent only 2 hours catching Seedots and managed to collect lots of shiny ones. I routinely only keep the pokémon with highest stats (CP or IV) from a community day, so what you’ll see below is what remains from the 60 or so Seedots I managed to catch!