Pokémon Go Egg Hatching Basics Apr 10, 2020


Bug Catcher Avery

<a href="/tags/pok%C3%A9mon-go">Pokémon Go</a>

Beginner tips for Egg Hatching in Pokémon GO

Catching pokémon in the wild is a great way to increase your stardust, collect more candy, and gain experience. But sometimes catching dozens of wild pokémon only to find one that is viable in the Battle League is a little bit daunting. For this reason, I rarely catch wild pokémon to find something with high IVs. Instead, I focus my efforts on hatching eggs to build up my roster with the best pokémon. If you are hatching eggs, you will want to get the most out of each step you take, so go ahead and use some Pokémon Go tips listed below to improve your returns on hatching eggs!

Prioritize purchasing incubators

There are few things in the shop that I think are worth my hard-earned pokécoins. Two such items are incubators and super incubators. However, because I walk so much, I find the regular incubators to be more worth it. When prioritizing finding high IV pokémon for my teams, you can be assured that I will be buying as many incubators and hatching as many eggs as I possibly can. This ensures that I am making use of every step I take.

Turn on Adventure Sync

If you don’t have adventure sync turned on, you could be missing out on lots of convenient egg hatching. As long as you remember to keep your incubators in use, you can surely hatch several eggs in a day with adventure sync enabled. Walking around a park or campus, I am easily able to hatch 5k eggs starting from zero in one day. Even 10k eggs can be hatched relatively soon after you receive them. If you have a pedometer, you can easily estimate how many eggs you will hatch daily.

Synchronize hatching of 10k eggs

10k eggs give lots of stardust, and you are guaranteed to collect at least 1600 per egg! You can find the exact numbers in our other post about collecting startdust. This is a big opportunity when it comes to collecting stardust, so you don’t want to waste it! If you have lots of 10k eggs, make sure to incubate them all at the same time. This way, when you take into account our next tip, hatching just two 10k eggs can give you up to 9600 stardust!

Use a starpiece before your eggs hatch!

This one is super helpful if you are sure to synchronize the incubation of your eggs. With the starpiece, you can multiply your returns in stardust by 1. 5x! This will give you massive rewards for hatching your eggs, and if you are lucky enough to hatch a pokémon with high IVs, you will have plenty of eggs and stardust to power it up, or even unlock extra moves!

Watch for egg hatching events

Fortunately, there are lots of events in Pokémon Go that give a great boost to attentive players. Many egg hatching events give awesome rewards: some double your hatch candy, and others lower the distance you must walk to hatch each kind of egg! If you are keen on when these events occur, you will be able to gather enough candy and stardust to keep all of your pokémon at the highest cp possible!


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