New Regions and Adventures Sep 18, 2020


Bug Catcher Avery

<a href="/tags/pok%C3%A9mon-go">Pokémon Go</a>

New regions for our Pokémon adventures

I’ve been preparing for the last few months for a pretty big move, and now, my journey has taken me to the mid-Atlantic. Now that my move is complete, I’ve had plenty of chances to explore the DMV area and see all sorts of new things while playing Pokémon along the way!

Pictures of the experience

You should be following our Instagram page to get more frequent updates, but you should see posts more often on here as well. As you would expect, the Pokémon here are just the same, but it’s the atmosphere that makes a big difference, especially for AR snapshots!

It’s been 16 years since I’ve lived in this area, and I’m starting to see just how much I’d forgotten. Being at college in Massachusetts for the last four years, I assumed that most places north of Virginia would look similar. Still, I’ve seen several amazing landscapes here in Maryland that I would never find in Massachusetts or Florida.

I’ve enjoyed playing Pokémon all around the East Coast, and I can’t wait to share more adventures and tips with all of you here!


Next: Pokémon Relaxing Adventure Music | #5

Previous: Pokémon Go Buddy Rewards