Catching Pokémon in Rural Areas Mar 28, 2020


Bug Catcher Avery

<a href="/tags/adventure">Adventure</a> &#8226; <a href="/tags/pok%C3%A9mon-go">Pokémon Go</a>

A Guy can only have so much Incense

As a person who lives far away from Pokéstops and gyms, I have a hard time catching pokémon when I can’t travel far from my house.

Taking a whole day to go to the park and go on catching sprees is excellent! But I have limited options when it comes to playing around the area that I live. My only strategy is to bike around my neighborhood, frantically clicking my Pokémon Go Plus, with incense activated and incubating as many eggs as I can.

250 pokécoins for eight incense is not a bad deal. However, it isn’t free, and I need to strategically place my pokémon in gyms to afford enough incense for a weekend. While I’m at it, maybe I should go full Johnny Appleseed, throwing whatever seeds grow into the plants used to make that stuff…


Next: Pokémon Go Battle Tips!

Previous: Pokémon Go: Starters and Which One to Choose